Veggie Bits

Vegetarian Dining in France

Readers planning on traveling to France in the near future can purchase Paris Bio, a book published by Editions La Couee Gargault and widely available throughout France. The book reviews 37 restaurants serving vegetarian food, and provides a list of health food stores and organic street markets. Paris Bio was written by Benoit and Anne-Helene Lafleche Braschi.

Animal Rights Forum in NY City

The New School for Social Research (America's oldest adult university) will present a forum on animal rights on Monday, November 8, 1993, from 8 to 9:30PM. Participants in the program include Ingrid Newkirk, director of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and Tom Regan, author of The Case for Animal Rights. For further information contact The New School, 66 West 12th Street, New York, NY 10011; or call (212) 229-5690.

Amtrak Offers Some Veggie Options in NE Corridor

While traveling on Amtrak from Baltimore to New York we've been able to purchase a vegan burger and hummus with pretzel chips in the dining car.

Non Leather Drum Heads

Recently a reader called the office looking for a non-animal skin drum head. We called local Baltimore musician Ed Goldstein (a member of The Vegetarian Resource Group), who in turn let us know that the company Remo makes synthetic drum heads. You can reach the company by calling (800) 525-5134.

Symposium on the Role of Soy in Preventing and Treating Chronic Disease

The soybean growers from Nebraska and Indiana, as well as the United Soybean Board, are sponsoring the First International Symposium on the Role of Soy in Preventing and Treating Chronic Disease. The conference will be held February 20-23, 1994, in Mesa, Arizona. Topics to be discussed include the connection between soyfoods consumption and heart disease and cancer prevention. Speakers from soy companies, hospitals, universities, and government agencies will participate. For complete information write to Soyfoods and Chronic Disease Symposium, PO Box 178, Libertytown, MD 21762-0178; or call (301) 898-5769.

News from New Jersey

New Jersey now requires that all women in that state referred for a routine mammogram receive a booklet which describes recognized dietary and lifestyle implications for the prevention of breast cancer.

Congratulations to Vegetarian Resource Group member Robert Baker, M.D., who initiated legislation in New Jersey that was recently passed. All women in that state referred for a routine mammogram receive a booklet which describes recognized dietary and lifestyle implications for the prevention of breast cancer. Perhaps this bill can be introduced in other states by some of our other medical doctor readers.