French Cooking Video

During Amy Dell's Vegetarian Resource Group internship, she was able to work with a VRG vegan volunteer from France named Angélique. It was a very enlightening experience to spend time with someone from a different background and culture. They were able to compare cooking techniques, and Amy was even able to practice her very rusty French. With Angélique, Amy created a cooking video that detailed a classic vegan French lunch. Recipes include Niçoise Salad (below), Ratatouille, Green Grilled Cheese, Cheese and Baguette, and Crêpe! See:

We're on Kindle!

Go digital and read Vegetarian Journal on your Kindle reader or using the Kindle app on any device. Available in United States and UK! See:

Join Our Parents & Kids Facebook Group

We?ve started a private online Facebook support group for vegan parents and kids. Discuss your favorite vegan products and recipes for children, or ask for advice about a wide variety of topics: pregnancy, birthday parties, school lunches, holidays, non-leather apparel, cruelty-free products, and more. Please use it as a place to share your wisdom, seek advice, or just find a sympathetic ear. The goal is to offer support to other families living a veggie lifestyle. See: