The Vegetarian Resource Group had an outreach booth at the annual meeting of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in Atlanta, where we placed Vegetarian Journals directly into the hands of more than 900 health professionals. About 10,000 people attend this meeting. Thank you to Reed Mangels RD, Julie Convington RD, and Catherine Conway RD for volunteering at the booth, and answering inquiries from food service, hospital, university, and private practice dietitians. Staff from several food companies also asked us questions related to vegetarian labeling. Amusingly, when students of one of our nutrition advisors came by the booth, and saw their professor's book on our table, they took selfies of themselves and the book.


Thank you so much to volunteer Kayellen Umeakunne who did so much work to create a beautiful experience for attendees at The Vegetarian Resource Group vegan dinner in Atlanta, held at Morehouse Medical School. Kay created the room to be inviting and reflect the school's African American heritage. Kay is the Research Bionutritionist/Bionutrition Core Manager at the Morehouse School of Medicine Clinical Research Center. In addition to helping us with the dinner, that week she also participated in the National Associaton of Bionutritionists First Annual Nutrition Clinic, hosted their tour of the Morehouse Bionutrition Core, and presented at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting on "Food Fermentation: Connecting Ancient Traditions with Science."

Thank you also to Kay for hosting a meeting of the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group earlier in the year.