Vegetarian Journal 2013 Issue 4


Citrus Magic
Debra Daniels-Zeller demystifies citrus varieties and offers recipes to brighten even the greyest winter days.
Dietitians & Vegetarianism
What foods do dietitians recommend to their vegetarian and vegan clients?
2013 Scholarship Winners
Two deserving teens win $5000 towards college from VRG:
Thanksgiving Gone Deliciously Vegan
A colorful twist on a classic Thanksgiving, plus a chestnut primer from Zel Allen.
2012 Scholarship Runners-Up
We rewarded past entrants, thanks to the St. Louis Vegetarian Society.


Nutrition Hotline
How long does juice retain its vitamin C content?
Note from the Coordinators
Letters to the Editors
Notes from The VRG Scientific Department
Scientific Update
Vegan Cooking Tips
Festive Dishes to Prepare Quickly, by Chef Nancy Berkoff, RD, EdD, CCE
Veggie Bits
Book Reviews
Vegetarian Action
The Berkeley Student Food Collective, by Kitty Jones
Back Cover
Dietetic Interns; PIFA; Tabling at Farmers Markets