Notes from The VRG Scientific Department

The Vegetarian Resource Group in the News

VRG Nutrition Advisor Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, answered questions about vegetarian pregnancy for WH, a guide to women�s health published by a large Bay Area medical center, and recently authored a chapter titled �Vegetarian Diets in Pregnancy� for a textbook titled Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy (Humana Press, 2008). In addition, she was interviewed for an article about nut butters for Men�s Health magazine, for a story about nondairy products in My Family Doctor magazine (, and for a piece about vegetarian kids on Furthermore, she submitted a 1,000-word entry about vegan diets for the Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine and Health; it will be published in 2010.

VRG Outreach

VRG Nutrition Advisor Suzanne Havala Hobbs, DrPH, RD, is a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and she presented with Dr. T. Colin Campbell, an Emeritus Professor at Cornell University, at a session on �A New Paradigm for the Study and Practice of Nutrition� at the American Dietetic Association (ADA) Food and Nutrition Conference and Exhibition in Chicago in October. The session was organized by the ADA Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group.

The America Culinary Federation asked VRG Foodservice Advisor Nancy Berkoff, RD, EdD, to do an 8-hour pre-conference seminar for culinary educators. Nancy was also invited to give a 90-minute opening session at the regional conference of the National Association of College and University Food Services in Fargo, North Dakota.