Note from the Coordinators

Pride in Making a Difference

While volunteering for the Vegetarian Society of D.C. in the 1970s, we were honored to have known Emma Pride Wood. Emma joined the Department of State Foreign Service in 1951 and was assigned to the embassy in Dakar, French West Africa (now Senegal). Unfortunately, she returned home with an illness that affected her until she recently passed away.

In spite of her illness, Emma lived a remarkable life. She championed the cause of the “underdog” with special emphasis upon conserving the earth’s resources, the abolition of war, and justice for the mentally ill. She was an ardent vegan and believed in “medical emancipation,” which, to her, meant a body free from drugs and the effects of drugs. Her family said, “She was so passionate in her beliefs that she refused food and medicines that might have prolonged her life.” Several observers noted, “Emma chose to depart this world on her terms!”

Emma was an active supporter of Anchor Mental Health Association of D.C. Often, she led a group of friends in preparing vegan meals for the association’s members. We helped her on occasion, though we wish we had time to do more. Emma was a woman ahead of her time and entertained ideas our loftiest leaders often don’t understand. We send our deepest sympathy to Emma’s family. Her life is a reminder that, despite great personal obstacles, an individual can make a big difference in the world by helping and supporting others.

Emma would occasionally purchase 100 copies of Meatless Meals for Working People. Then, she gave the books to anyone she thought might find them useful. We know she passed Meatless Meals along to restaurant owners, teachers, doctors, friends, deli workers in supermarkets, and many others.

VRG has published the 4th edition of Meatless Meals for Working People, and we were very fortunate to have Fantastic Foods sponsor this project. Due to their generosity, VRG was able to give away 1,000 copies of this book to dietitians attending the American Dietetic Association meeting held in Anaheim, CA, in October 2004.

To promote vegetarianism by giving away Meatless Meals for Working People, please contact us for quantity discount prices. If your company produces vegan items and would like to sponsor similar giveaways that would benefit all, we’d love to hear from you.

Debra Wasserman & Charles Stahler
Coordinators of The Vegetarian Resource Group